Upendo Friends School Sports Academy

Upendo Friends Sports Academy

Isabella arranged the inaugural African Safaris Ltd Sports Day at Arusha School (Tanzania) under the umbrella of Upendo Friends Sports Academy (UFSA).

Upendo Friends Sports Academy, is the brain child of Isabella Mwampamba, the founder and owner of Upendo Friends Pre and Primary School. Isabella saw the urgent need for kids to have better play areas because this not only helps them stay physically fit but also helps their minds to be more active, which helps them do better in school.

The academy is managed by Upendo Friends Pre and Primary School, and it is run by permanent, seasoned athletes with experience at the regional, national, and international levels. The Executive Board (EB) and Senior Management Team have been professionally positioned to lead the UFSA in order to achieve exceptional management (SMT).

The academic and athletic programmes at Upendo Friends Sports Academy are specially balanced to help committed student-athletes advance to the next level. Everything is thoroughly integrated, including the sports programme, academic programme, guidance department, and strength and conditioning programme.