When To Go On An African Safari?
When is the best time to go on an African safari in Southern Africa?
In Southern Africa, summer is typically wet and winter is typically dry. The wet and dry seasons have a significant effect on game conditions. The dry season generally runs from May to October through the southern autumn, winter and into spring. Game conditions generally improve as the season gets drier and wildlife tends to concentrate near remaining water sources. The wet season generally starts in November and signifies the arrival of migrant birds as mammals disperse in search of fresh growth. The bush gets thick, insects flourish, birding improves, game viewing deteriorates. The summer rains are generally characterised by torrential rainfall followed by sunshine during the day. The wet season generally makes remote areas more inaccessible.
When is the best time to go on an African safari in East Africa?
There are two wet seasons in East Africa. The first, known as the long rains is from April to June and the short rains are from late November through to December. Many properties in the game viewing areas do close during April and May, mainly due to bad road conditions. The dry seasons are generally better for game viewing, as wildlife concentrates around the water sources. The weather patterns play a major role in the great migration, as the animals follow the new grasses, which are dependent upon the rainfall.