Lesley and Joanne (2013)
We are back from our wonderful safari-thank you so much for arranging it all for us.Everything went well-the camps and lodges were all lovely and our driver guides were all really nice and knowledgeable. Â We saw everything we had hoped to see-Joanne was thrilled with her trek to a family of 17 gorillas including a newborn; and I got to spend 45 minutes watching a pair of leopards close up. Â Plus being surrounded by elephants and watching a confrontation between a cheetah and a lioness. Â I had to pinch myself occasionally to make sure I was really there! You said the food was good and it was-not the time for a diet.As well as the wonderful wildlife the countries themselves were an eye opener. Â Although we read a bit before we went seeing it all first hand really brings home the totally different way of life.